/** * MPanoram v2.1 * www.mikeo.ru */ var imagesExtentions = "jpg gif png bmp tiff"; var flashExtentions = "swf fla"; var multimediaFileExtensions = imagesExtentions+' '+flashExtentions; var mpanoram_hT, mpanoram_sT; function mpanoram_fade(objId, from, to) { var obj = document.getElementById(objId); var i; for (i=from;i<=to;i++) { setTimeout('mpanoram_setOpacity(\''+objId+'\', '+i+')',30*i); } for (i=from;i>=to;i--) { setTimeout('mpanoram_setOpacity(\''+objId+'\', '+i+')',50*i); } return true; } function mpanoram_setOpacity(objId,value) { var obj = document.getElementById(objId); obj.style.opacity = value/10; obj.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + value*10 + ')'; if (value==0 && obj.style.display!='inline') obj.style.display='inline'; else if (value==0 && obj.style.display!='none') obj.style.display='none'; } /** * Get the page and viewport size * @return {Array} */ function getPageSize(){ var xScroll, yScroll, windowWidth, windowHeight, b = document.body, de = document.documentElement; if (window.innerHeight && window.scrollMaxY) { xScroll = b.scrollWidth; yScroll = window.innerHeight + window.scrollMaxY; } else if (b.scrollHeight > b.offsetHeight){ // all but Explorer Mac xScroll = b.scrollWidth; yScroll = b.scrollHeight; } else if (de && de.scrollHeight > de.offsetHeight){ // Explorer 6 strict mode xScroll = de.scrollWidth; yScroll = de.scrollHeight; } else { // Explorer Mac...would also work in Mozilla and Safari xScroll = b.offsetWidth; yScroll = b.offsetHeight; } if (self.innerHeight) { // all except Explorer windowWidth = self.innerWidth; windowHeight = self.innerHeight; } else if (de && de.clientHeight) { // Explorer 6 Strict Mode windowWidth = de.clientWidth; windowHeight = de.clientHeight; } else if (b) { // other Explorers windowWidth = b.clientWidth; windowHeight = b.clientHeight; } // for small pages with total height less then height of the viewport var pageHeight = yScroll < windowHeight? windowHeight : yScroll; // for small pages with total width less then width of the viewport var pageWidth = xScroll < windowWidth? windowWidth : xScroll; return [pageWidth,pageHeight,windowWidth,windowHeight] } /** * Get coords of scroll bars * @return {Array} - [coord horizontal, coord vertical] */ function getScrollXY() { var scrOfX = 0, scrOfY = 0, b = document.body, de = document.documentElement; if( typeof( window.pageYOffset ) == 'number' ) { //Netscape compliant scrOfY = window.pageYOffset; scrOfX = window.pageXOffset; } else if( b && ( b.scrollLeft || b.scrollTop ) ) { //DOM compliant scrOfY = b.scrollTop; scrOfX = b.scrollLeft; } else if( de && ( de.scrollLeft || de.scrollTop ) ) { //IE6 Strict scrOfY = de.scrollTop; scrOfX = de.scrollLeft; } return [ scrOfX, scrOfY ]; } function hidePanoramBox() { // document.body.scroll = 'auto'; // ðàçðåøàåì ñêðîëëèíã // document.body.style.overflow = 'auto'; // if (mpanoram_hide("panoramBox",1,0)) mpanoram_hide("containerOver",1,0); if (document.getElementById("panoramBox").style.display=='none') return false; if (mpanoram_fade("panoramBox",10,0)) { setTimeout('mpanoram_fade("containerOver",9,0)',400); } // document.getElementById("panoramBox").style.display = 'none'; // document.getElementById("containerOver").style.display = 'none'; return false; } function showPanoramBox(url,header,footer) { var str = ''; if (!document.getElementById("panoramBox")) { var str2 = document.body.innerHTML; el=document.createElement('div'); el.id='containerOver'; el2=document.createElement('div'); el2.id='panoramBox'; document.body.appendChild(el); document.body.appendChild(el2); // document.body.innerHTML = '
'+str2; // str2 = ''; } if (imagesExtentions.indexOf(getFileExtension(url)) != -1) { var str='\
\ \
\ \
\ \


\ '; } if (flashExtentions.indexOf(getFileExtension(url)) != -1) { var str='\
\ \
\ \
\ \ \ \ \


\ '; } if (str!='') { document.getElementById("panoramBox").innerHTML = str; // çàïðåùàåì ñêðîëëèíã // document.body.scroll = 'no'; // scrollPosX = getScrollXY()[0]-10; // scrollPosY = getScrollXY()[1]; // document.getElementById("containerOver").style.width = getPageSize()[0]; document.getElementById("containerOver").style.height = getPageSize()[1]+'px'; // document.getElementById("containerOver").style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById("panoramBox").style.marginTop = getScrollXY()[1]+'px'; // document.getElementById("panoramBox").style.display = 'inline'; // if (document.getElementById("panoramBoxCloseButton")) document.getElementById("panoramBoxCloseButton").style.cssText = 'top:-32px; right:-32px;'; // if (document.getElementById("panoramBoxCloseButton") && (flashExtentions.indexOf(getFileExtension(url)) != -1)) document.getElementById("panoramBoxCloseButton").style.cssText = 'top:-32px; right:-32px;'; // if (mpanoram_show("containerOver",0,0.8)) mpanoram_show("panoramBox",0,1); if (mpanoram_fade("containerOver",0,9)) { setTimeout('mpanoram_fade("panoramBox",0,10)',800); } // çàïðåùàåì ñêðîëëèíã // document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden'; // window.scrollTo(scrollPosX, scrollPosY); return false; } } function getFileExtension(filename) { if( filename.length == 0 ) return ""; var dot = filename.lastIndexOf("."); if( dot == -1 ) return ""; var extension = filename.substr(dot+1,filename.length); return extension.toLowerCase(); } function isMultimediaFileExtension(extension) { if (extension == '' || multimediaFileExtensions.indexOf(extension) == -1) return false; return true; } document.onclick = function(event) { event = event || window.event; var t = event.target || event.srcElement; var t_title = t.title; var t_alt = t.alt; // if (t.id == "containerOver") hidePanoramBox(); while (t.tagName!='A'&&t.parentNode.tagName!='HTML') { t = t.parentNode; } var t_href = t.getAttribute("href",2); if (t_href && isMultimediaFileExtension(getFileExtension(t_href))) { // if (t_href) { if (t.getAttribute("onclick",2)) { t.removeAttribute("onclick"); } if (!t_alt) { t_alt = ''; } if (!t_title) { t_title = t_alt; } if (t_title == t_alt) { t_alt = ''; } showPanoramBox(t_href,t_title,t_alt); return false; } } function doOnKeyDown (e) { e = e || window.event; if (e.keyCode==27) { if (document.getElementById("panoramBox") && panoramBox.style.display!='none') hidePanoramBox(); return false; } // return false; } document.onkeydown = doOnKeyDown;
/** * MPanoram v2.1 * www.mikeo.ru */ var imagesExtentions = "jpg gif png bmp tiff"; var flashExtentions = "swf fla"; var multimediaFileExtensions = imagesExtentions+' '+flashExtentions; var mpanoram_hT, mpanoram_sT; function mpanoram_fade(objId, from, to) { var obj = document.getElementById(objId); var i; for (i=from;i<=to;i++) { setTimeout('mpanoram_setOpacity(\''+objId+'\', '+i+')',30*i); } for (i=from;i>=to;i--) { setTimeout('mpanoram_setOpacity(\''+objId+'\', '+i+')',50*i); } return true; } function mpanoram_setOpacity(objId,value) { var obj = document.getElementById(objId); obj.style.opacity = value/10; obj.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + value*10 + ')'; if (value==0 && obj.style.display!='inline') obj.style.display='inline'; else if (value==0 && obj.style.display!='none') obj.style.display='none'; } /** * Get the page and viewport size * @return {Array} */ function getPageSize(){ var xScroll, yScroll, windowWidth, windowHeight, b = document.body, de = document.documentElement; if (window.innerHeight && window.scrollMaxY) { xScroll = b.scrollWidth; yScroll = window.innerHeight + window.scrollMaxY; } else if (b.scrollHeight > b.offsetHeight){ // all but Explorer Mac xScroll = b.scrollWidth; yScroll = b.scrollHeight; } else if (de && de.scrollHeight > de.offsetHeight){ // Explorer 6 strict mode xScroll = de.scrollWidth; yScroll = de.scrollHeight; } else { // Explorer Mac...would also work in Mozilla and Safari xScroll = b.offsetWidth; yScroll = b.offsetHeight; } if (self.innerHeight) { // all except Explorer windowWidth = self.innerWidth; windowHeight = self.innerHeight; } else if (de && de.clientHeight) { // Explorer 6 Strict Mode windowWidth = de.clientWidth; windowHeight = de.clientHeight; } else if (b) { // other Explorers windowWidth = b.clientWidth; windowHeight = b.clientHeight; } // for small pages with total height less then height of the viewport var pageHeight = yScroll < windowHeight? windowHeight : yScroll; // for small pages with total width less then width of the viewport var pageWidth = xScroll < windowWidth? windowWidth : xScroll; return [pageWidth,pageHeight,windowWidth,windowHeight] } /** * Get coords of scroll bars * @return {Array} - [coord horizontal, coord vertical] */ function getScrollXY() { var scrOfX = 0, scrOfY = 0, b = document.body, de = document.documentElement; if( typeof( window.pageYOffset ) == 'number' ) { //Netscape compliant scrOfY = window.pageYOffset; scrOfX = window.pageXOffset; } else if( b && ( b.scrollLeft || b.scrollTop ) ) { //DOM compliant scrOfY = b.scrollTop; scrOfX = b.scrollLeft; } else if( de && ( de.scrollLeft || de.scrollTop ) ) { //IE6 Strict scrOfY = de.scrollTop; scrOfX = de.scrollLeft; } return [ scrOfX, scrOfY ]; } function hidePanoramBox() { // document.body.scroll = 'auto'; // ðàçðåøàåì ñêðîëëèíã // document.body.style.overflow = 'auto'; // if (mpanoram_hide("panoramBox",1,0)) mpanoram_hide("containerOver",1,0); if (document.getElementById("panoramBox").style.display=='none') return false; if (mpanoram_fade("panoramBox",10,0)) { setTimeout('mpanoram_fade("containerOver",9,0)',400); } // document.getElementById("panoramBox").style.display = 'none'; // document.getElementById("containerOver").style.display = 'none'; return false; } function showPanoramBox(url,header,footer) { var str = ''; if (!document.getElementById("panoramBox")) { var str2 = document.body.innerHTML; el=document.createElement('div'); el.id='containerOver'; el2=document.createElement('div'); el2.id='panoramBox'; document.body.appendChild(el); document.body.appendChild(el2); // document.body.innerHTML = '
'+str2; // str2 = ''; } if (imagesExtentions.indexOf(getFileExtension(url)) != -1) { var str='\
\ \
\ \
\ \


\ '; } if (flashExtentions.indexOf(getFileExtension(url)) != -1) { var str='\
\ \
\ \
\ \ \ \ \


\ '; } if (str!='') { document.getElementById("panoramBox").innerHTML = str; // çàïðåùàåì ñêðîëëèíã // document.body.scroll = 'no'; // scrollPosX = getScrollXY()[0]-10; // scrollPosY = getScrollXY()[1]; // document.getElementById("containerOver").style.width = getPageSize()[0]; document.getElementById("containerOver").style.height = getPageSize()[1]+'px'; // document.getElementById("containerOver").style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById("panoramBox").style.marginTop = getScrollXY()[1]+'px'; // document.getElementById("panoramBox").style.display = 'inline'; // if (document.getElementById("panoramBoxCloseButton")) document.getElementById("panoramBoxCloseButton").style.cssText = 'top:-32px; right:-32px;'; // if (document.getElementById("panoramBoxCloseButton") && (flashExtentions.indexOf(getFileExtension(url)) != -1)) document.getElementById("panoramBoxCloseButton").style.cssText = 'top:-32px; right:-32px;'; // if (mpanoram_show("containerOver",0,0.8)) mpanoram_show("panoramBox",0,1); if (mpanoram_fade("containerOver",0,9)) { setTimeout('mpanoram_fade("panoramBox",0,10)',800); } // çàïðåùàåì ñêðîëëèíã // document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden'; // window.scrollTo(scrollPosX, scrollPosY); return false; } } function getFileExtension(filename) { if( filename.length == 0 ) return ""; var dot = filename.lastIndexOf("."); if( dot == -1 ) return ""; var extension = filename.substr(dot+1,filename.length); return extension.toLowerCase(); } function isMultimediaFileExtension(extension) { if (extension == '' || multimediaFileExtensions.indexOf(extension) == -1) return false; return true; } document.onclick = function(event) { event = event || window.event; var t = event.target || event.srcElement; var t_title = t.title; var t_alt = t.alt; // if (t.id == "containerOver") hidePanoramBox(); while (t.tagName!='A'&&t.parentNode.tagName!='HTML') { t = t.parentNode; } var t_href = t.getAttribute("href",2); if (t_href && isMultimediaFileExtension(getFileExtension(t_href))) { // if (t_href) { if (t.getAttribute("onclick",2)) { t.removeAttribute("onclick"); } if (!t_alt) { t_alt = ''; } if (!t_title) { t_title = t_alt; } if (t_title == t_alt) { t_alt = ''; } showPanoramBox(t_href,t_title,t_alt); return false; } } function doOnKeyDown (e) { e = e || window.event; if (e.keyCode==27) { if (document.getElementById("panoramBox") && panoramBox.style.display!='none') hidePanoramBox(); return false; } // return false; } document.onkeydown = doOnKeyDown;